mardi 12 juin 2007

Les tricotins / French knitting spools

Voici une série de tricotins inspirée de modèles anciens (hêtre et autres bois, décoration réalisée par ma femme). Les tricotins permettent de créer des cordons de laine, ils sont pour cela percés de part en part et équipés de quatre clous autour desquels on vient 'tisser' la laine. Ces poupées ont la faveur des enfants, petits et grands ...

Series of french knitting spools inspired from old ones (beech wood and others, painting by my wife).
French knitting (thanks to Derek for the translation of "Tricotin") consists in making cords by knitting wool around the four nails hammered on the top of the spool. These wooden dolls are much appreciated by young but also old children...

4 commentaires:

marie a dit…

ils sont superbes !

Anonyme a dit…

I remember making cords with spools like this when I was a child! I never had anything as nice as these though. We used wooden cotton reels with four little nails hammered in the top. In England we called it French knitting.

Anonyme a dit…

Bravo c'est très joli, et cela rappelle l'enfance!!

crazyhaberdasher a dit…

Hello, I have just found your blog! I am crazy about tricotins and have a large collection...I am trying to find out about their history and origins and whatever piece of information that I can. Do you sell your tricotins? I would absolutely love to purchase any if it is possible (paypal)... my blogs are - + - I hope to hear from you soon, thankyou!! Marian